Category: Writing
What Do the Most Famous Authors Say About Their Writing Process? Expert Insights Revealed
Before we dig into this topic on the writing process, you might need to know what it has to do with copywriting. Everything. Great copy and great fiction have one thing in common: storytelling. More about that shortly, meanwhile, read on and enjoy. The writing process of successful authors has always been a subject of…
Productive Writing: Your Guide to Always Knowing What to Write About
To be a productive writer, you first need to be an idea genius. If your ideas dry up (or are non-existent) you’re not going to be very productive, and even if you do manage to write a few paragraphs, they are unlikely to be of significant quality. If you’d like to know more about becoming…
10 Ways to Earn Money through Copywriting: Profitable Techniques Revealed
It’s amazing what you can do with AI if you try! Members of the ICA understand how important AI is when it comes to research, and especially when it comes to putting together traffic-getting articles. Today’s piece is no different. Traffic doesn’t always mean money (at least not directly), but for clients, they are fully…
How to get attention where it’s non-existent and with zero hope of getting it.
Crazy title, but what a promise! Look at the exclamation mark in the sentence above. Did it work, or was it pointless? Every exclamation mark I make is deliberate (not random). When I’m reading, I know when I’m surprised by something, and when I am, an exclamation mark urges me on (as a reader). It…