Welcome to the ICA courses page. When you become a full ICA member, you’ll be able to access all the courses shown below as part of your membership.
You’ll also be able to create your own personal web page on the ICA web site and use ICA accreditation logos on other assets you own along with your ICA certificate.
There are many other benefits too, which you’ll find on the enrolment page.
ICA main courses

ICA ProCopyClub
Follow along with Quentin Pain for the next 52 weeks and learn how to write like a Pro so you can build your own copywriting business from scratch.
Every week you’ll be given a new, simple task with full instructions on what to do (and why it’s necessary).
There are 3 main sections:
The first is on human behaviour – why we do what we do (if you don’t understand this, you’ll find it hard to persuade anyone to do anything at all – including yourself).
The second is on writing and positioning (including how not to suck – you’ll learn things in here you’ve never heard anywhere else),
And in the final section I show you step by step how to build a business (I’ve built 6 successful businesses over the last 44 years).

Advanced Business School
Every human-made object on this planet started as a vision. Someone thought about it and started to visualise it, then drew up a blueprint, then got it made.
That is how the world works, yet in my experience, few business owners do this properly if at all. Learn how I did it, and how you can do it too in Advanced Business School.
There is an assumption that most people know what they want from their business. But whether you do or your don’t, it’s likely you’ll still need to dig deeper. A LOT deeper.
This is because you must be CRYSTAL clear on what you really want.
If you can’t hear it, feel it, taste it and most importantly, see it, it is VERY unlikely you will achieve it. This is what VISION really means, and vision is the first step on any journey to success.

Elements of Persuasion
Without persuasion, the only things that sell are commodities.
Commodities are the things we NEED (food, clothing, shelter).
Everything else is a WANT. Wants are built by desire, and desire is built through persuasion.
At the top of the tree, when it comes to persuasion, is something the ancient Greeks called The Rhetoric.
This on-going class will take you through everything you need to know step by step.

SEO Expert
Welcome to the ICA’s SEO Expert 30 day training to help you understand the most important aspects of researching, writing, and tracking articles with a view to ranking them on page one of major search engines.
Whilst everyone in marketing understands the idea behind SEO, very few really get to grips with how to do it the right way (the way that means you don’t get penalised by search engines for scamming them with dodgy practices).
In 30 days you will become an expert and have no problem convincing clients you can help them.

Ogilvy’s Agency Advert
David Ogilvy, the ‘father’ of advertising wrote a full page newspaper ad that sold his agency to the world.
Once you’d read it, you had no doubt who he was and why his was the only agency worth your time (and dollars!).
He ran the full page ad many times and it paid off handsomely.
Find out what he did, why it worked, and how similar thinking will help you write better copy.

Ogilvy’s Direct Response Ad
David Ogilvy’s direct response ad about direct response ads earned millions for his company.
He tells his audience it doesn’t matter what they sell “from $750,000 jet airplanes to 25c packets of flower seeds” nothing is off limits.
All they need to do is sign up. Use his ideas to influence your own and you won’t go wrong.

Science of Copywriting Newsletters
In 2019 I started a series of newsletters for the Science of Copywriting (52 in all).
The content in those newsletters is as true today as it was then, so I’ve collated them all and published them here for members only.
Each issue contains around 5 links to more in-depth articles, giving you 200+ of the most original copywriting techniques and ideas I use in my own agency today.

Member Extras
You’ll find extra member benefits in this section starting with a breakdown of how and why the concept of stylebooks matter to large clients.
Whilst most copywriters start out either working for an agency or finding a number of small clients, the real money only comes from signing up larger businesses.
To do that, you need to prove your worth. The member extras section is the place to find those extras you’ll need including a growing selection of AI tools – all part of your membership.
This is also where you’ll be able to create your personal ICA online presence by setting up your own ICA web page.