The ICA exists to teach members how to become professional copywriters and how to promote themselves and win more business.
You can join as a FULL MEMBER at £39 a quarter and get access to our premiere 52 part copywriting course, ProCopyClub, which takes you from beginner to professional, or you can join as an Associate Member and get all the ICA benefits without the training.
You’ll receive your personal Membership Certificate so you can use the letters MICA after your name and improve your professional image.
All members get a personal page on the ICA website as well as the use of the ICA logo to promote yourself online and offline.
Membership includes:
- ProCopyClub course (full members only)
- SEO Expert course (full members only)
- Elements of Persuasion course (full members only)
- Advanced Business School course (full members only)
- Science of Copywriting newsletters (full members only)
- AI Tools (full members only)
- ICA webpage for your business (all members)
- ICA certificate (all members)
- Annual membership is £120 per year (£10 a month)
- Quarterly membership is £39 every 3 months (£13 a month)

Quentin Pain FICA FIoEE
International Copywriters Association
United Kingdom
What our members say about the ICA…
“Quentin knows and understands every copywriter in different stages of their career. He allows even our posts from our startup agency in his Copywriting Jobs community. We closed a deal here before for our agency and he is a very kind and considerate client. I think there are a lot more clients like him that other copywriters too can attract with the right pitch. Thank you so much again Quentin!! Yes” – RJ Vargas
“This is a really great course! I must admit: I’m proud that I went through it the whole year. But this speaks for the course as it’s really well structured and you get all the details you really need. This course definitely helped me getting started building an email list, becoming a way better writer and getting the confidence and the tools to attract new clients. So much good stuff! Thank you so much!” – Martin
“Quentin is the man. I’ve been in his Facebook group for a while. Posts there are amazing, so I was dying to see if this course will provide even more value. Although I didn’t do it exactly as Quentin suggested (I was busy writing for clients I’ve met in other of Quentin’s FB groups), I’ve learned a lot. Most “gurus” repeat basic stuff you can learn by watching any 5 minute video on YouTube. Quentin took a different approach. I won’t spoil too much. All I’ll say is that you won’t be the same copywriter or the same person after you hang out with Quentin for a year. Even if you’re a seasoned copywriter.” – Stjepan Mijat Zaninović
“If you’re looking for the “whys” and the “nuts and bolts” behind the art of copywriting I can’t recommend the Pro Copy Club course enough. Having a limited knowledge of writing copy before I began, this course taught me all about the structure of a piece of copy, what goes where and why. The course unveiled many fundamental aspects of writing successfully which I didn’t even know existed or simply things I had never thought about. I particularly liked the course menu where I could easily refer back to previous weeks (and still do) to refresh on areas when needed. Quentin is a great mentor to me; he is very knowledgeable and thorough with his guidance. I look forward to continuing a relationship with him well into the future.The course is a year long because it has to be. It takes time to develop the necessary skills to become a true professional. Over the period of time I have been involved with the PCC and ICA, I have seen my skill set and value increase exponentially. It has given me the confidence to enter the marketplace knowing I can offer real value to my clients.” – Michael McGregor
“At first, I wasn‘t sure if ProCopyClub would be worth it. But let me tell you, it 100% is. Not only do you learn how to write professional copy, but also how to build a business from it step-by-step. And who knows it better than someone who did it himself. Last week I landed my first client. I was happy but also nervous at the same time. In the end, everything worked out and I successfully finished my first project. Without Quentin and the ICA all that wouldn‘t have been possible. Thank you.” – Noah Yannis Guderjahn
“Hey, copywriter! Looking for new clients? I posted one tiny post (even with typos) in the online ICA Science of Copywriting Jobs group, and got three solid leads within 24 hours. Stop Press: Make that four. Another lead just dropped into my inbox. Thanks Copywriting Jobs.” = Mike J Searles-Professional Copywriter