How to be a genius

If you’ve been following along with my persuasion introduction over the last few weeks, you’ll understand the fuss I’m making about persuasion (and the use of rhetoric as a professional persuasion tool).

Nothing else comes close when it comes to conversions (and hey, in case you didn’t realise it, all sales copywriting fails unless it converts – ya know!).

So what has any of that got to do with the title of this post?

You may remember this line from my previous post:

Your best clients will be looking for the best. They don’t want average. They don’t want a copycat. Which means they certainly don’t want a “me too” candidate.

That means you have no choice but to become a genius.

Now, you might be thinking “well OK, it’s easy for you to say that, but I’m not so sure that becoming a genius is something you can just turn on?”

And my reply (obvious as it might be) is this: “yes you can”.

I tackle the whole subject in week 4 of ProCopyClub (available in the ICA members area).

It involves a technique called “Ten in ten”. It’s super easy to learn, but you can only make a success of it by going through the previous 3 weeks of ProCopyClub first.

That’s the whole point of ProCopyClub. To be a pro, you NEED to be different. And to do that, you need to know how to become a genius (someone capable of creating Big Ideas whenever they need them).

After 4 weeks you will be on your way, and after another 4 weeks (if you stick to the plan), you’ll start to see amazing improvements.

It’s something that changed my life when I started doing this many years ago.

Back then I was NOT a genius. I looked at other people’s amazing big ideas and was lost in wonderment at what sort of mind it took to create them (I had no idea they were even BIG IDEAS, it was just something about their writing that I loved but couldn’t put my finger on).

Don’t get me wrong though, I could already create big ideas (we all can), but not on demand. They would come to me out of the blue whilst on a walk with my dogs (or in the shower as most gurus would say).

But creating them on demand? Exceptionally rare. Join the ICA today and find out how.