image of the sea and sand with the word vision in capital letters

How to influence an audience through mind control imagery

Years ago I experimented with a vision board. I made a list of what I wanted, then found pictures of all the items and ‘pinned’ them to my virtual board.

One of those items was an S Type Jaguar. I got one some years later (after I’d forgotten all about the vision board).

I’d set a vision in my mind of something I desired, and sure enough, it happened. There is nothing mystical about this. No SECRET. No law of attraction. Just desire.

The more I thought about an S Type, the more I wanted one (I also started seeing them everywhere).

Our job as copywriters is to create visions like that for our audience. We want them to picture what they COULD have. We want them to know what it feels like to own that thing we’re selling.

Keep that in mind when you write your next piece of copy.


2 responses to “How to influence an audience through mind control imagery”

  1. it happened. There is nothing mystical about this. No SECRET ,because you thinking of it daily!! I guess it’s our passion and how we desire that thing to get it I understand that so we could use it for clients product this vision for the product or any thing else hmm

    1. Quentin Pain Avatar
      Quentin Pain

      That’s right Heba, and it applies to everyone on the planet.

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